Healing Arts & Yoga Sadhana
Energy Work
Energy Work Can Include the Following Techniques: Recapitulation (Clearing the Past), Precapitulation (Clearing a path for the future), Soul Retrieval (retrieving lost energy due to trauma, disease or addiction), Intention and Manifestation Sessions
This one is a massage for your energy which affects every level of your being: body, mind and spirit. If you haven't tried energy work before or if you'd like to try something new, then Energetic Healing Massage will give you a sampling of energy work. Identifying obstacles and blockages to influence the energy fields that enhance well-being on every level: emotional, mental, and spiritual and physical. The whole person is addressed, not just the symptoms. Studies have shown that energy based therapies help to decrease pain, tension, anxiety, depression and enhance moods. You may also experience increased joy, vigor and contentment. Energy work is beneficial in balancing emotions - decreasing guilt, hostility, anger and fear which are often at the root of many diseases.
Among the physical benefits are: slowed breathing and heart rate, lower blood pressure, balance of body mind and soul, sharpened focus, peace of mind and relaxation. People often experience deep inner peace, self-empowerment, and improved sense of well-being after having one of these sessions. By Appointment Only - we do not accept walk ins. These sessions can also help with:
nausea and vomiting during pregnancy/ morning sickness
motion sickness
nausea after surgery
nausea due to chemotherapy
cancer-related fatigue
menstrual cramps
muscle tension and pain
Debra M.
Friday, 14 Jul 2023
5 out of 5
For the past several years, Jackie has been a part of my health and spiritual journey. Jackie is a gifted and intuitive yoga instructor as well as a wholistic energy healer. Her yoga sessions and workshops are comprehensive, focusing on energy centres/chakras and mindful thematic techniques. Each session is beautifully supported by her superior yogic understanding and intuitive awareness. Healing sessions with Jackie have helped me with clearing unwanted and blocked energy in my body. Personally, it takes a few days before the positive effects work through my body and a “lighter” transformation takes place. I am very grateful to have Jackie as part of my health journey.
Thursday, 13 Jul 2023
5 out of 5
I have being seeing Jackie for a while for regular energetic maintenance. She has been instrumental in allowing me to continue with my high stress job and life and has been the key reason for my ability to continue my work with great success.
Please be aware that there are times when we cannot accept new clients because our caseload is full. If you'd like to check our availability before you make an appointment, please send us an email at: sukhashack@gmail.com and we will be happy to confirm availability.
Kind regards,
Heather K.
Monday, 17 Jul 2023
5 out of 5
Jackie is a true healer! She is totally present in sessions, and is always respectful of the client, with healthy boundaries and professionalism. Regular sessions with Jackie have supported me in making enormous shifts and changes in every level of my being, and I am truly grateful for our work together.
Excellent healing therapy! Oct. 2018
Jackie was fantastic. Nov. 2018
Jackie was such a nice and informative lady. The best massage i have ever gone to 🤩 Oct. 2018
Excellent service not found elsewhere
April 01, 2013
Super grateful to have come across Jackie and Sukha Shack. She's a gift to this world and I'm literally counting down the days until I see her again ❤ Oct. 2018
Shamanic Techniques
RECAPITULATION - Jackie (Combination of Energy Work and Hands on Pressure Point Massage) -is an ancient Shamanic technique for retrieving past energy to facilitate healing in your present life . Designed to remove obstacles and blockages that stop you from moving forward and dissolve energetic hooks and chords that keep you hooked into old thoughts, beliefs, emotions and patterns of behaviour. If you are experiencing difficulty letting something go or if you feel stuck and caught up in the same old patterns, then these sessions are quite powerful and restorative. Can be used for past life clean up as well. Ultimately recapitulation leads to restoration of body, mind and soul.
PRE-CAPITULATION - Jackie (Combination of Energy Work and Hands on Pressure Point Massage) Also an ancient technique of moving into the future energy to send healing and energy into the future. Can be used in combination with recapitulation. walk ins
MANIFESTATION SESSIONS - Jackie (Combination of Energy Work and Hands on Pressure Point Massage) - Is it time to put some energy into manifesting abundance? Are you able to manifest your desires easily or do you feel stuck, weighed down and unable to move forward? When your energy is, clear and balanced manifestation of abundance comes effortlessly. These sessions create extra energy to help you align with abundance and leave you feeling vibrant and healthy. You set an intention and the energy clears a path facilitating an effortless, easy manifestation of your heart's desires.
SOUL RETRIEVAL - Jackie (Combination of Energy Work and Hands on Pressure Point Massage) finding yourself feeling: ungrounded, stuck, lost, without direction, anxious, panicky, passive, like something is missing, numb? If you answered yes to any of the above soul retrieval may benefit you. As each of us goes through life, we find ourselves experiencing trauma and loss. Each of these experiences can cause our energy to become depleted. Sometimes these pieces of our energy are given to or taken up by other people or worrying about the future and the past. Through the simple energetic healing technique called Soul Retrieval or Soul Recovery, you can take back your energy, reintegrate it, learn to protect it and recover balance in your life. Restore yourself to wholeness, vitality and reconnect to your intuitive wisdom. It is like a joyous return to yourself. After soul retrieval people may feel: fuller, more complete, able to be present and enjoy the moment.
Jackie is sublime. I always leave her healing space feeling like I'm floating. Everyone should experience her treatments because that's what they truly are. July 2018
After one Groupon session I was so impressed that I bought package of 3 sessions, it was very nice . 2017
Very informative and also felt great afterwards. Will be back! 2017
Please be aware that there are times when we cannot accept new clients because our caseload is full. If you'd like to check our availability before you make an appointment, please send us an email at: sukhashack@gmail.com and we will be happy to confirm availability.
Chakra Clearing/Balancing
Chakras are energy centres and your entire body, mind and spirit is made up of energy - Each specific energy centre warehouses physical, emotional and mental information about you. When these centers are blocked, you are about of balance and this imbalance creates physical pain, illness, difficulties, mental, physical and emotional stress and lack of energy. Each session begins with an intuitive assessment, followed by chakra balancing, raising your vibration, promoting radiance, pain relief and an overall sense of well-being. Combined with a blend of hands on techniques like acupressure and reflexology to get your energy moving in a positive direction. The session ends with grounding and sealing in of the positive energies. You will walk away feeling lighter, healthier and revitalized. These sessions are good for working on each individual chakra and the issues connected to them or just doing a tune up of the full chakra system. By Appointment Only - we do not accept walk ins
Chakra Balancing Benefits
Reduce Stress
Peace of Mind
Increase Energy
Strengthen the immune system
Dissolve blocked energy patterns
Release Pain
Balance the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies
The energetic healing massage was akin to stumbling upon an oasis in the desert. After my session with Jackie, I left feeling refreshed and grounded. Will definitely be back! Thank you.YOUR STORY
Jan 1, 2013
Professional, informative and comfortable environment., Aug 2018
Please be aware that there are times when we cannot accept new clients because our caseload is full. If you'd like to check our availability before you make an appointment, please send us an email at: sukhashack@gmail.com and we will be happy to confirm availability.
Reiki Healing
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that energy flows through us and gives us life and vitality. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Our experience is if you take care of your energy, you will be healthy
Feel great every time I leave there. Aug 2018
Please be aware that there are times when we cannot accept new clients because our caseload is full. If you'd like to check our availability before you make an appointment, please send us an email at: sukhashack@gmail.com and we will be happy to confirm availability.
It truly is a healing massage! Highly recommend!!
For those who would like to learn parts of themselves and life not offered in regular society. A very experienced spiritualist will act as a supportive guide while you explore the depths of your soul.
February 03, 2014
Great experience and left feeling great!
August 03, 2013
Note how you feel before entering, then again before leaving... always a profound change!
December 30, 2015